Tenant Representation
Tenant Lease Auditing and Consulting
As a separate service or a continuing service to our Denver and Houston tenant representation clients, our team will assist clients in reviewing their existing lease commitments and make recommendations on your upcoming lease renewals including analyzing CAM and building operating expenses. CAM and Operating Expenses are variable expenses that are overlooked or not closely monitored by many tenants. As an ongoing service to our existing commercial tenant representation clients, we help you to make certain these costs are consistent with your lease and reasonable with other buildings in your market area.
When asked what sets Capital Realty Group, Inc. apart from their competitors, it comes down simply to attention to the needs and wants of our clients and customers and focusing on achieving the highest level of gratitude for a job well done – referrals and recommendations. Our REAL-Ized visions matrix looks at ways to make your space requirements more than space but to the level of creating an environment for your company when looking at leasing space – whether for a single location or multiple locations in office, retail and even industrial properties.
You can count on Capital Realty Group, Inc for commercial tenant representation for Houston commercial properties and Denver commercial properties.
“ Brant has represented our firm for the past several years with outstanding results. He was faced with a monumental task to get our office space in a short period of time at below market rates. In two separate situations, he was able to locate, negotiate and procure office space for our firm that met our high demand for quality, flexibility and lease rates. I recommend his company whenever asked. Thank you for all your hard work” – Dave S.