9420 College Park Drive
9420 College Park Drive has open retail space in Windvale Shopping Center.
Traffic Counts:
College Park south of FM 1488 +/- 18,500
FM 1488 West of College Park +/- 25,080
Fm 1488 East of College Park +/- 13,700
Contact us to learn more about this listing or check out other great Houston retail space.
9420 College Park Drive9420 College Park Dr.
The Woodlands, Texas 77384
The Woodlands, Texas 77384
- Square Footage: 101,088
- Property Type: Retail
- Lot Size: 14.0 AC
- Min. Divisible: 987 SF
- Max. Contiguous: 6,237 SF
- Parking Spaces: 300 free surface spaces available; Ratio of 2.97/1,000 SF
- Availability: Available
- True Owner: The Blackstone Group (212) 583-5000, Brixmor Property Group (212) 869-3000
- Year Built: 2002
- TYP Floor: 101,088
- RBA: 101,088
- Stories: 1
- Percent Leased: 89.0
- Total Available: 11,147
- Max. Contiguous: 6,237
- Average Rent/sf: Withheld