13730 E Mississippi Avenue
Existing conduit load will be assumed by buyer. Loan will fully amortized October 1, 2012. Current owner has a ground lease that is co-terminus with Office Depot’s lease (options included). Office Deport’s term is from 12/14/97-12/31/12, and the ground elase term is 12/14/97-12/31/12.
Option terms are at fixed rates for both Office Depot and ground lessee (owner).
Cash flow is projected at $20,000/year for new owner.
13730 E Mississippi Avenue13730 E Mississippi Avenue
- Square Footage: 30,202
- Property Type: Retail
- Lot Size: 2.79 AC
- Max. Contiguous: 30,202
- Rental Rate: $4.77
- Parking Spaces: 139 Free Surface Spaces; Ratio 3.50/1,000 SF
- Availability: Available
- Year Built: 1997
- TYP Floor: 30,202
- RBA: 30,202
- Stories: 1
- Percent Leased: 100
- Total Available: 30,202
- Max. Contiguous: 30,202
- Average Rent/sf: $4.77